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Taking Care of Yourself When You Have Brain Fog
Anyone may experience brain fog from time to time, but for those who also live with chronic illnesses or chronic pain, brain fog may be a regular experience, which can negatively influence the state of your mental health. Managing brain fog is frustrating and can make you feel lazy, defeated, and further exhausted, especially if you’re trying to manage it without support.
Mind-Reading, Should Statements & Emotional Reasoning: 3 More Cognitive Distortions
Negative thinking traps (or cognitive distortions) are errors, or negative patterns in our thinking processes. When trapped, our thought processes tend to overlook context, leave information out, or assign motivations with no evidence behind them. Today we’re going to explore three more: Mind-reading, Should statements, and Emotional reasoning.
6 Tips to Handle the Holidays With Family
Enjoy the celebrations this holiday season with these tips from our therapists to help you cope with complicated family dynamics.
Four Ways to Get Over a Friend Breakup
Friend breakups can be difficult to navigate, sometimes even more so than romantic breakups. Here are some tips to help move on after losing a friend.
5 Tips for Coping with Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal part of life but there are many who struggle to manage their anxiety. Here are five tips that can help you cope with anxiety.
5 Ways to Learn New Coping Skills
We all rely on coping skills. There are many different ways to learn about new coping skills so you can support yourself in moments of distress.